P5T1 Gone and Forgotten from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
Well my group and I we all had fun on the Movie Trailer project .So our movie trailer title was called "Gone and Forgotten". And it was about this girl who's name is Courtney Evermore and she was fading out of existence and the only people who remembered her was her little sister Taylor Evermore and her best friend Lily. Well to contribute to making the movie trailer is Jhoanna Domigo ,Ashley Alfiler and Eden Tjarks . I was the lead playing Courtney Evermore, Ashley was the little sister Taylor Evermore, and as Eden Tjarks Courtney's best friend. And one of my favorite thing with my group, was in one scene had we had the best idea ever to shoot up in the tree when Lily and Taylor were talking about Courtney and in trying to find her.

And finally we had a class critique so our group and were the first group that was critiqued. Even though I saw many good movie trailer films and they were like better than awesome it was like 110% better. Even though we had 0 votes it was a fun experience to try once and a while. But I think me and my team did good but I still think we could have done way much better. And if our had a second chance I would improve by using the time me and our team had more wisely instead of waiting to long and doing at the last minute.
I love your blog Julie! The colors in the background and around the blog makes your blog really pop out and your Movie poster that you designed is awesome :))))))