P3T5 Josiah Scores Goals from
Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on
Hey guys and welcome back to my blog and let's get started. We are starting of with this Tell us about your teammates personal character traits & how your story exaggerates who they are ? And like you must be thinking "Wait I don't get it''. Well let me explain these past two week we have been learning how to animate things in Photoshop. Like in my last blog post I explained how I made my gif. it's like that but it just has a little more requirements.

Continuing on to the question well there are three people on my team which is first our team captain Christina. And Christina's personality is she's really helpful in real life and we exaggerated that by making her Josiah best friend in our animation and her role is that she's supportive about Josiah playing soccer and she helps him through out the whole thing to helping him train to be a great soccer player to their games. Now to our main character Josiah in real life he's really great at soccer. But we decided to change it up a little like this story is to explain that you have to work hard to get where you want to be in life. And so Josiah in the animation we exaggerated his character by he's a clumsy, quite kid and he wants to start off the school year good and so his friend Christina she mentioned soccer. And the whole story went on from their. And the last character Me well in this animation I play the supportive coach and I tell Josiah not to give up. And in real life I'm really like that with my two brothers I support them in their sports and they also come and watch me preform as support too.

Well what I think in a group with 6th graders its really fun because my team mates their just new and just helping them was great. And what I think our level of productivity would be around 80 percent and that's because I don't want to say any name but one of them were very not time consuming. Our biggest challenges was getting all our scene done in time and I got my scene done and my other teammate finish two perfect senses also but we needed a 12 seconds more. Though my team got it done and we turned it in on time. Well I think my best moment of production was when I was working on my last scene and I accomplished 200 frames that would equal to 20 seconds part of our video and it was perfect I loved every second of it. And I think my teammates were really fun to work with and I cant wait to work again in this certain type of project.