I think everyone should learn how to code and that's is because coding could help you in life. For example say you are applying for a job and it involves computerizing. And your boss wants you to customize a website for the his/her company. Like for me as a GT student, for me I'm this year I have many new projects to do and so in my science class we are using this program and its called "scratch". And it like this animation program. But not going to far into depth with all the info so Me and my partner are doing Hawaiian social classes.

Continuing on, so my first experience with programming was actually when I first made my blog. And so a couple posts after when I first learned how to post a video and you can look or scroll down and watch it's called "Gluten'' its the pros or cons of the way it can effect people. And so describing my first contact with programming when I first got to my blog, when I went to my post I went to my html which is like another part of your blog that saves what you are doing. And so I copied and pasted my link to the video. And so that was the first time that I did programming. So now I really got used to what I'm doing with all the videos that I have done through the past year. So check out the link on my side bar to kmshonu.blogspot.com. Then you can click on the vimeo channel.

If I could design a program I would design a program that would delete all the things that involve bullying, videos that contain explicit content like fights, foul comments ( like bad words ), and many other things that would involve things like that. And that is just part of my program and the rest of it would have games and lessons on bulling and many other things that will teach you in life. And I got this idea from Pier mediation and it this group that talks about bullying and what it can do to you. And from time to time I watch videos on youtube about a power of a bystander. So I really want to help people and what their going through. So the purpose of my program is to keep our society living better and what I learned from Pier mediation was that many people die and that is just because of thoughts of dying. And that is just because of bullying. So if I were to create a program like what I just said