This one that everybody knows about me is I do everything at the last minute like when I get ready in the morning, my mom has to still tell me more than 3 times to get ready. And like when I'm done getting dressed my mom ready to leave in her car and I couldn't even get to eat breakfast. Its so hard and all just the start of me and all my friends with stacks and stacks of homework and projects. Once I had to finish three of my projects for Social Studies, and English I finished it by the last minute by staying up all night long. And one more thing I have a hard time focusing and when I first get home its just eat, sleep, watch TV, then I check what I'm doing for the week.

My amount of free time is like so little its because I'm that kind of kid that always has a after school circular activity so like I have Hula Practice on Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays , and Sundays then my shows on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. And so technically I'm busy for the whole entire week. And sometimes I end up crashing down on my bed and I forget to do all my homework and assignments.And I always end up doing it in study hall. My level of productivity is so low to its because like now for instance I'm a sixth grader and when I come home after a tiring day of school I eat, check what I have for homework, watch TV , and then I usually go to sleep. And when I wake up its like 6:00pm then I have to clean my whole entire house by the time my mom and dad get home with my brothers from his baseball or football practice.So technically I have to do my homework and assignments at night while my family is still eating dinner.
I would change so much if I could, like for example my habit of sleeping right after when I get home I could change that with doing my homework right away. And I could cut my hula classes shorter so I can get the rest that I need. And on Sunday nights I could sleep early as I can so I wont have to be all moody on Monday morning. And I could ask my teachers if I need help and what I'm missing so I could possibly try all straight A's. I can do all these things and I want to make a change and I hope to do better