Well staring out was we have three pictures of our whole body against a green screen then we had to face three different ways front, back, and side. Then when we got our photos we go into photo shop and we use a tool called the quick selection tool and what it does is that when you use it for selecting what you want to be in it. And what we were instructed to do is that, now that we have our photos is that we have to cut out our selves in the program. Then the next step is that we have to save is as a certain file. And then we are done we have it as Blank_Front we have to make another copy of your front but named differently Blank_Character and if you are wondering about the other two pictures you don't really need them in this project so you can set that aside. So now that you are in photo shop you find your animation window and when you find it you can make your self move in funny ways like mine on the top of my page on the right hand side.And there is also this thing called puppet warp and that's why in this project my hands look weird. And what you can do with puppet warp is you place pins on your body, not on your actual body but the one in Photoshop. So just one more tip just remember when your move yourself just a bit at a time remember to make a new frame. Then when you are done you can press play. That's not all you can also add in a background all you do is just drag and drop your background of your choice and then you have you finished product. And if you guys are wondering if I like the way my finished product turned out, yes I really like the way it turned out even though I had a little bit of complications I made it through to finishing it on time