recently did.

The difference between polar & spherical panos polar means the straight line joining the two points at which tangents from a fixed point touch a conic section. And for spherical its like a globe and its like the shape of the earth. So in our project what we did was for a polar what we did was, we did all the same instructions in photoshop and the only thing we did differently is we flipped the polar one upside down then what we did for the spherical was we just left it the way it was and when we went to change it we went to filter then put the effect on Polar Coordinates. And you still might be wondering whats the difference well one is.
Finally what makes your finished tiny worlds convincing? Well what makes my tiny worlds convincing is that I took these pictures all at home so I really didn't have that much to work with but it all turned out well and even better that I expected. Though I really think that I got better pictures in a different location I think I had more to work with. So continuing on what makes my tiny worlds convincing is the way how it looks and in terms on perspective for my Polar2 I thought I did a good job on. Also for my Sphere2 I want it to turn out as the expectations.