P3T2 Sit Still Look Pretty from
Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on
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P3T2 Sit Still Look Pretty
from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog. So this will be my last blog post of my school year but don't worry I'll b back in 2 months and time does fly fast. So this weeks project is music videos and this is the project that I have been waiting for this whole year. And if you are wondering why this project is at the ending of the year its because during the whole year we learn a lot of things in GT and our teacher wants to see what we can do in our last few weeks in school. So continuing on with the question Explain the storyline & how it relates to your lyrics. Well our song is Sit Still Look Pretty by
Daya. And our storyline is about a girl and a boy, they break up and the girls friends they come to comfort her and during the whole song it tell the story and we are the ones helping her get over the break up and then in the ending she forgets the boy. So me and
Meleana are playing the parts of the 2 good friends and
Ashley is the main character. So basically our story is about a break up story. And going more into depth about our music video so we planned for this music video to take place at

Kapa'a Park. So the scenes that we did was the main point of our story which was the break up scene and that part was really hard to work on and that's because we have a a lot going from a Wide to Medium to a Close. Though it wasn't really that hard to film. And I think this music video was actually really fun to do.

Describe your favorite fast-edit montage sequence. Well my favorite fast editing montage would be when in the middle where we did this scene with brooms and ya it just looked really cool when we edited everything together. Also what I what I really like about our who video is I think we have more bloopers than our entire video. It was so fun during all the time filming. And as you can see the pictures on the right side of my blog that's all the fun we had as a group.

How does this music vid showcase your best work? In our music video it will show what we can do with the DSLR camera's. Like it shows the new camera techniques that we've learn ed through out the year. And we can produce high quality shot with no shakiness and blurs in the shots. And in IMovie we show what we can do with transitions, affect with the green screen and other things to. Also another thing that we will show case in our video is a photo shop document of the three of us. Credit goes to Ashley cause it turned our looking that it matches with our who music video. Finally I would like to say that goodness were going to be 8th graders when I get back to you guys. For me I feel old but I act like a kid. And see you guys when I get back from summer break.