Next explain how you created this project step-by-step. The first step is to make sure you have you have a picture of your whole face. After you have your picture then you go into photo shop and where you can start working on your Low poly portrait. So what I did first was turn on my grid, then you find where you think the middle of your face is. So if your wondering you look to the right of the page. Then you trace around your face so now you have the center line and the tracing around your head. Now you can fill your head with triangles. And a little tip, while you are in this process you want to define the littlest thing with a lot more triangles for example (Mouth, lips, ears, eyes, eyebrow ...) So continuing on with the step by strep process. Then after you are done doing your triangles you can fill them and how you do that is you go to filter> blur> average. And also another way and this is my favorite way to do it is, we you get you polygonal lasso tool and you create a triangle and the you press I on your keyboard and that switches to your eyedropper tool. When your up to there you click on the space and choose what shade you want that matches that side you hi-lighted. Then you press control alt delete. then once you are done with that process you are done with the custom way. Now to add the final stuff so you have the one half of your face then you duplicate that layer to look like the other side of your face. In the example above. Then what we did was we put a white outline to finish it off.

And as you can see that with the last two projects that we did 2 different ways to make this project. And well the first way was we just took a picture of our face to neck and what we did was we only took one side of our face and we put triangles into that. Then to the final step we had to duplicate our face without the outline and match it up. There is also one more thing you change your red out line to white. And for the second project that we did was I would say easier. If your thinking what do I mean by that, I mean that you just have to a highlight a certain part and you fill it in with the color that matches. And one tip would be not to put the same shades of color together. You want this too look very realistic. And what I did was I tried to separate his face and his neck. And I didn't finish in time because I was putting triangles in places where they weren't supposed to go and that's what slowed me down in this process. Like for example as you can see that I put so much little triangles into the shadow part of his neck and his face. So another tip is would be put good sized triangles to where they belong.