Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Visual Poem


My visual poem was about was my life as a hula dancer its one of my life greatest hobbies I started at of age 8 or 9 and I have been dancing with Halau Hula O Leilani Rivera Bond for 3 years. I took many lessons and today I dance in public with my Halau on Wednesday, 5pm  at the Coconut Market Place and on Saturday at 1pm . I am really proud on how my video turned out and I really like the effects well all the effects in final cut pro. This was my first video done by myself and  I absolutely had a so much thing going on in my mind that day when I started  writing I just couldn't stop writing. 
I took the best photos that I could just with my I phone and it turned out really well. And during my practices I tried to upload the best and well quality videos but sometimes it didn't upload to Google Plus.

I think the effects in my video are really impressive I have many sounds of drum pounding and one whole video cut into little bits and inserted to empty places. I think the audience will like my video and so in their heads they'll say "Wow now I really want to learn about the Hawaiian Culture". And I think my mom and dad would actually be so proud. The mood of the people would, well in my thought the GT students will like my video.

The thing I could have done better was the videos that I was supposed in part of my visual poem I was supposed to take videos of my practices. I would try more next time to focus more on the b-roll. I would've done so much better and if I had a second chance I'd put more than a lot like "I bit of more than I could chew" that's how much effort that it takes to get a 4 out of 4. 


  1. Your poem was very visual in itself.
    Some of your B-Roll was cut oddly and didn't fit.
    I love your nat. sounds!

  2. •The Writing was Really good
    •The b-roll was kinda shaky
    •I liked the natural sound

  3. I liked how you talked about a historic thing
    Don't use side way pictures
    I liked you background sounds

  4. Great hula b-roll they have some talent
    Some pictures are not so needed
    I like how you tell us how to do hula

  5. I liked how many pictures and videos you had.
    One of the pictures were sideways.
    I like the natural sounds.

  6. Great job on the voice over
    I think it needs more videos
    The song (Or sounds can't really tell) was really good and very appropriate

  7. Like the natural sound
    the voice over had lots of cracks
    Cool B-roll

  8. I like the poem, its very creative
    At one point you paused
    I like the effects

  9. I liked the sounds in the background
    One picture was vertical
    Great b-roll

  10. I really like all the pictures that use the Ken Burns effect. Great creativity!
    There needs to be more transformations... and also more video variety.
    I like how you put what you were saying as the B-roll. Like the flowers and leis.

  11. I like how you used the ken burns effect
    There were a lot of cuts during the end
    I like how you used the actual words that hula dancers use

  12. I like all of your music/sounds
    one of your pictures was sideways
    I also liked the words in your poem

  13. I like how you have videos when you are practicing
    you messed up a little bit when you were saying your poem
    I like the natural sounds

  14. great natural sounds
    should have practice voice overs more
    great b-roll of the hula dancers

  15. Really awesome natural sounds
    it could have use more special effects
    your b-roll was really creative and cool

  16. I love your topic on hula
    some pictures and videos didn't make sense
    I liked how you put in a ton of natural sounds

  17. Awesome Natrual sounds
    one of the b-roll are to long and some are to fast.
    Nice pics of the hula dancers

  18. Great natural sounds of the beat.
    A lot of muffled sounds and blade cuts.
    Awesome pictures of flowers and hula dancers.

  19. Really nice combination of pictures and B-Roll
    The audio went up and down.
    Great poetry!

  20. I like the flowers pictures.
    You could transform the pictures that were taken on a phone.
    I like the transition you used.

  21. 1. I like the b-roll and pictures taken with your ohana
    2. Some pictures are upside down, left side up and more
    3. I like the flowers, their pretty

  22. Nice dancing shots
    there was some shots that didn't fit
    Nice pictures of flowers

  23. i really like your voice overs- you spoke really clearly
    maybe you could put more broll that applies to what you are talking about
    i really like how you got the little hula dancers and the older hula dancers

  24. I liked your B-roll the shots were very creative
    Some B-roll didn't really fit the screen and there was a very weird looking shape
    Your nat sounds were great

  25. I liked the natural sounds that you had at the end and all the different b-roll that you had.
    One thing that you could do better is edit it all together a little more neatly because their were some flashes.
    I think the b-roll from this poem was the most interesting I've seen so far.
