Our movie is about a young girl, and Her name is Courtney Evermore. The movie trailer is called " Gone And Forgotten". The contribution to making the movie trailer is Jhoanna Domigo, Ashley Alfiler, And Eden Tjarks.So in scene 2 this is where Courtney is already disappeared and so Courtney's sister Taylor Evermore and Courtney's best friend were sitting up in a tree.And so we did a wide, med, close. And what we did was I was the one directing the scene and so we did something that no one the could imagine this happening. So I climbed up the tree and so my helper handed me the camera and so video taped them sitting up in the tree and so that was the close it was so cool but my thought was like "Oh my gosh I'm seriously going to drop the camera out of the tree" and I was like screaming my head off. But we did we did it. And this is one thing was my teacher Mr.Sanderal hes was looking at my co-partner's computer he saw me up in a tree and he said "don't fall out of the tree".
Okay so when my group tried to decide on what we were going to do for the movie trailer. So we did it based on being inadvisable and so we just made up our character so we made out as Courtney Evermore and so we went on saying weird and laughable titles for the movie trailer and so we chose "Gone And Forgotten".
And so what my teacher assigned us was, all four group members have to create a movie poster and we all have to chose one. And so one of his questions was "Why is kerning so important ?". Well I would answer it by, kerning is so important its because of so you know how you see a movie trailer preview and when it comes out of the movie theater you see the movie. And so when you see the poster in theaters the titles is what I mean. So the spacing in the between the letters is so important.
So the effects that I used in my movie poster was a lot of text so I used a gradient, drop shadows and bevel & emboss. And many more requirements. And so to the right is our progress my team and I. And we are the first team on the top.#1
And I really loved doing the movie trailer and I hope in the near future our teacher will make a project on doing the actual movie trailer and I think it would be a fun but difficult experience. It helped on the critiques he gave us was very useful. And now my team and I can now do what we need
Monday, December 15, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Proactive or Procrastination ?

I would change so much if I could, like for example my habit of sleeping right after when I get home I could change that with doing my homework right away. And I could cut my hula classes shorter so I can get the rest that I need. And on Sunday nights I could sleep early as I can so I wont have to be all moody on Monday morning. And I could ask my teachers if I need help and what I'm missing so I could possibly try all straight A's. I can do all these things and I want to make a change and I hope to do better
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Visual Poem
My visual poem was about was my life as a hula dancer its one of my life greatest hobbies I started at of age 8 or 9 and I have been dancing with Halau Hula O Leilani Rivera Bond for 3 years. I took many lessons and today I dance in public with my Halau on Wednesday, 5pm at the Coconut Market Place and on Saturday at 1pm . I am really proud on how my video turned out and I really like the effects well all the effects in final cut pro. This was my first video done by myself and I absolutely had a so much thing going on in my mind that day when I started writing I just couldn't stop writing.
I took the best photos that I could just with my I phone and it turned out really well. And during my practices I tried to upload the best and well quality videos but sometimes it didn't upload to Google Plus.
I think the effects in my video are really impressive I have many sounds of drum pounding and one whole video cut into little bits and inserted to empty places. I think the audience will like my video and so in their heads they'll say "Wow now I really want to learn about the Hawaiian Culture". And I think my mom and dad would actually be so proud. The mood of the people would, well in my thought the GT students will like my video.
I think the effects in my video are really impressive I have many sounds of drum pounding and one whole video cut into little bits and inserted to empty places. I think the audience will like my video and so in their heads they'll say "Wow now I really want to learn about the Hawaiian Culture". And I think my mom and dad would actually be so proud. The mood of the people would, well in my thought the GT students will like my video.
The thing I could have done better was the videos that I was supposed in part of my visual poem I was supposed to take videos of my practices. I would try more next time to focus more on the b-roll. I would've done so much better and if I had a second chance I'd put more than a lot like "I bit of more than I could chew" that's how much effort that it takes to get a 4 out of 4.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Finished News Story
Our news story was about Living a Gluten Free Life Style and how it can effect you in a bad/good way. The people who contributed were Kacie Burns
We did a lot, to let the people on Kauai why gluten can effect people. So we made an interview with Sweet Marie's Hawaii, its a Bakery/Cafe its a gluten free its everything that she makes that is gluten free So like for example she can bake you a wedding cake she can make that in a dairy free version that is so delicious. She said and I quote "Anyone and everyone from all over the world can come here to eat at Sweet Marie's Hawaii. We wouldn't have made it that far to 3 to getting into Hiki No with out the help and support of Kasiah Vercelli the best helpful 7th grader on our team. It's been such a great experience she taught us all she knew on what to do with camera techniques and editing tips and tricks .
I was really happy when the film festival came up every group showed their work and what their video was about. Our video turned out so great. Even though the most stress went to our great 7th grader.When we did the last finishing touches to our video we clicked that import button it turned out just the look of it I didn't really notice it at first that it was a finish and published, it seemed like a famous person that directs movies and stuff did it but 6th & 7th graders did it. I thought we did a job well done but it was more that it felt like its something more than that like I'm just thinking in my head I'm just like " whoa we just made our own news story ".
While we were watching and commenting how great they were all period 5 had to rate each video and when the film festival was done we tallied up all the scores and we looked at the scores me and my partners looked at each other we made it into the top 3 I was screaming with joy inside of my head I couldn't believe it. I felt sad for the rest of the teams that didn't make it I still feel so proud of KMS period 5 GT students. Good job on you projects everyone !!!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Lessons Learned
The most interesting part of our project is like the interviews the most because its like your learning something new and having fun at the same time.The first interview that I did was at Sweet Marie's Hawaii it was one of the best topics of our News Story. Its people who are affected by gluten and how it affects your diet.We spent so much time together on that day it's been so stressful for our team Leader but she had a lots of good laughs and good fun. I really loved that we had the whole day to enjoy and shoot and film some really great interviews.
The biggest road block in our project was we had so much time focusing on the interviews we did and we didn't think of more or less b-roll. Our group took some important pieces of b-roll sequences and some are not. We were the first ones when our video was critiqued by Mr. Sanderal he said "It's very amazing that kids like you can do the over and beyond " And I knew that his expectations are really high for us GT students. We just needed to edit a few things and do some more cuts and do better on the voice overs. I was really proud that my group and I could do such amazing things.
I think the most valuable thing about the film making process its the 5 W's and 1 h . And why it's because in your mind what the first thing that pops up in your head "I think this will be easy and pie." That's one of the quotes I always have in my head when we have a activity. And continuing on,for the writing process you always have to have a topic that explains who, what, when, where, how, and why. It's so similar to the filming process. The filming process is a little bit more complications, there's supposed to be a yes side and no side so it would appeal the viewers eyes and so it would be fair.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Hiki No Behind The Scenes
It's been really fun this past month so I was pared up with this group of amazing people. We've got to know each other personally and it's been a fun time getting to know them. I never ever knew any of them starting from day one but I'm really glad that I did. Our group is working on a project on gluten on how it affects peoples diets and others that don't. We've interviewed about 2 or 3 people. Our first interview was Sweet Marie's Hawaii and it was a very interesting I learned many things and why she opened her store. I really liked how she incorporated her way of trying to help of people who have a gluten free life and a gluten filled life.
The thing we do behind the camera is we all play a big role being all best friends. We all act funny and goofy things too like make silly jokes and talk story. Like when we first met it was really a not that talkative group of girls. It was a fun and cool experience to be with a new group of people. And when we're doing or tetchy stuff like interviewing our interview and do things with the camera we act all serious because it's almost like a once and a chance of a life time to be on Hiki No. We have to do our best to make all the hard work really count.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Back To School
I think my hardest challenge would be this year is trying to focus on all the new things going on like this is my first year in the Gifted & Talented program. I learning new things about technology everyday. I never thought of doing my own Blogger to but its actually neat that we can share with many other people our thoughts.Creating my own blogger was actually harder that any of my assignments in the Gifted & Talented program too.And my way of finishing it is try harder on the thing you have trouble on like I ask my teachers if I need help and more time to focus and stop doing silly things in class like talk to the person right next to me.
I think my favorite moment would be is actually to shoot a 2 - 3 minute video about gluten free diets and it affects other people. I'm working with a group of people that I never ever meet and now were the best of friends.It's been very complicated to because of the filming schedule,the questions for the people that were going to interview. And I think it's very hard to to film in one day. But it makes it easier for the rest of my team to we just have to focus on that very day so it's not that much stress for us and the parents.
So this past mid quarter I've learned many different kinds of technology on how to guides on the computer to it's been so amazing. I'll try to set many goals for me this year to and finish the difficult things in this past mid quarter.
The experiment
I think the photo shop experiment was actually harder than I thought it would be. I think Mr.Sanderl did want us to learn how to do photo shop on our own because like him when he first got the app photo shop he didn't even know what to do so now he want us to feel the experience on how he first started out .

It was a very funny experience to learn the photo shop experiment. I guess I could say that I learned 25% out of 100 in the process of the photo shop experiment.
Now trying the photo shop experiment its fun now because its easy to do many things to edit the photos and do artsy stuff. Now I know so many tips and tricks in photo shop like I could edit many of my photos and do many cool effects.
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